Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bent Objects

The cool guy who creates these photos, Terry, has, in my opinion, a brilliant sense of humour, art, and originality.

What he does is he takes these little, everyday objects such as paperclips, pieces of wire, fruit, mini hourglasses, toilet paper rolls, etc., and assembles them into these fantastic scenes, which he photographs.

Blogger Link:


A Slight Chemical Imbalance

Just One of Those Days

Prehistoric Citrus Were Very Clever Hunters

Italian Food Is Serious Business

Chained To His Desk

This Chap Sticks The Landing

I loved them so much I installed a little feed widget on the left-hand side of this page =D

1 comment:

Terry Border said...

Thanks for that widget that you installed almost 3 years ago, and it's still there! Wow! I'm flattered.