Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fat Fingers


What this is, basically, you type in what you're looking for on eBay here, and it automatically looks it up for you with that spelling plus, like, 30 more possible wrong spellings of that word.

For example, if you look up, say, Tiffany (as in the popular jewelry company), then it looks up all these spellings as well:
Tiffamy,Tiffaby,Tifgany,Tigfany,Tifdany,Tidfany,Tiffsny,Toffany,Tuffany,Tiffanu,Tiffant,Yiffany,Riffany,Tiffiny,Taffany,Tiffann,Tiffaay,Tifffny,Tiifany,TTffany,Tiffanyy,Tiffanny,Tiffaany,Tifffany,Tifffany,Tiiffany,TTiffany,Tiffa ny,Tiff any,Tif fany,Ti ffany,T iffany,Tiffayn,Tiffnay,Tifafny,Tfifany

And the result is tons of items on eBay that not many people bid on because there's a spelling mistake. Apparently it's supposed to save you a lot of money too.

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